Nanna Dyhre-Petersen
Nanna is a third year PhD student from the Respiratory Research Unit, Department of Respiratory and Infectious Diseases, Copenhagen University Hospital – Bispebjerg and Frederiksbjerg, Copenhagen, Denmark.The study follows patients with severe asthma starting on biological treatment and 3 years onwards with the aim of better understanding the immunological mechanisms behind treatment responses, especially remission. As part of her PhD, she is now focusing on the impact of eosinophil degranulation and the interaction with the airway epithelium in severe asthma. As part of the long collaboration between Professor Celeste Porsbjerg and Dr. Manali Mukherjee, Nanna has come to St. Joseph’s to learn about air-liquid-interface culture and scanning electron microscopy, among others. Nanna will be a part of Dr. Manali Mukherjee’s lab from February to August 2024.